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Nigerian student jailed 40 months in UK over bomb threat

A 26-year-old Nigerian Master’s student at Dundee University, Scotland, Somtochukwu Okwuoha, has been sentenced to 40 months in prison for making terrorist threats against staff and students of the school.

According to a BBC report, Okwuoha, an international energy studies student, would also be deported after a Peth Sheriff Court found him guilty of the charge.

Witnesses revealed how the student had claimed to have a military background and was capable of making bombs and unleashing a deadly virus on the city.

Okwuoha, who arrived in the United Kingdom in 2021, also stated that he had enlisted the terror group, ISIS, to help bomb the university and told staff of his plan to target the city in a chemical attack.

Sheriff William Wood said, “Your presence in the United Kingdom is not conducive to the public good, and I make a recommendation for your deportation in due course.

“You were abusive towards her and tried to have her removed from her university course,” after he had threatened a fellow female student who refused his advances.

“The university decided to suspend you from your course and you turned your attention towards staff. You threatened mass murder, terrorism, said you would plant bombs and use biological weapons,” the charge read.

Okwuoha, a prisoner at Perth, was found guilty of threatening to murder staff at the university and committing terrorist crimes between December 2021 and June 2022.

He was found guilty of threatening to commit mass murder, using biological weapons, revealing staff details to international authorities and claiming to have planted bombs.

He was also found guilty of threatening to behead police officers and detonate bombs he had planted at Dundee University.


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Raufu Musliyu

Raufu Musliyu is the Editor-in-Chief of News Flash Media Service. He is a PhD Student of Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin in the field of Mass Communication. Musliyu holds Masters of Science (M.Sc) Degree in Mass Communication majoring in Public Relations/Advertising. He also holds Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Mass Communication. The Editor-in-Chief also bagged Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Public Relations. He is an Associate of Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and Advertising Regulatory Council of Nigeria (ARCON). Musliyu is the Head of Corporate of Affairs & Administration of Abdulrauf Jimoh & Co.

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