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Soludo talks tough on land grabbers, orders demolition of multi-million naira building in Anambra

The Anambra State Government, led by Governor Chukwuma Soludo, has demolished a multi-million naira building constructed on land said to belong to the state government.

The building was pulled down on Saturday by the Awka Capital Territory Development Agency, ACTDA.

Mr Ossy Onuko, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of ACTDA, who led the demolition team to the site at Isuaniocha, Awka North Local Government Area, said the administration of Prof Soludo would not tolerate land grabbers.

He said: “The Solution Agenda of Anambra State has no room for land grabbers.”

The demolished building was a two-storey building, which housed six three-bedroom flats, and had just been completed. The ACTDA boss said the structure was illegally built.

It’s gathered that the land on which the structure was built belonged to the Catholic Diocese of Awka and had been the subject of unrest in the community, as some members of the community sold the parcel of land to interested individuals, who were oblivious of the original owner.


But Onuko, while pulling down the structure, warned those encroaching on government land to desist forthwith as the full weight of the law will befall them, no matter how heavy the loss on them will be.

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